Aug. 24 was a special day at Shining Stars Preschool as we celebrated with a small group of students and special guests at a belated ribbon cutting ceremony. The new school, which opened last year as an upgraded replacement for our old Shining Stars, has officially been dedicated! We are so fortunate to have this state-of-the-art preschool which ignites the potential in our youngest students.
Thank you to all of the special guests who joined us including Director Kofahl from the Public Education Department's Early Childhood Education Division, Mayor Hull, Councilor Stoddard, Commissioner Meek, Commissioner Bruch, County Manager Johnson and so many other very special guests.
Also, special thanks to Hurst Treats from Rio Rancho who graciously donated star shaped cookies to honor the school. These treats were so tasty and almost to pretty to eat! Our staff, students and guests loved them. Thank you Hurst Treats.